Judy Haberl

Gallery Kayafas is pleased to announce Flight- an engaging sensory mixed-media installation by Judy Haberl, who is known for her unconventional and innovative work using photography to conjure metaphorical scenes and as a means to get to something else.
In the gallery the viewer embarks on a pathway between distant fields literally blanketed with aerial views. Journeys, history, and the miraculous phenomenon of flight beckon us through the space.
Dedicated to her father who was a pilot in WWII, Haberl merges decades into an ethereal softness.
Haberl is a professor of Sculpture, Fine Arts 3D at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Her work is in numberous collections including deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Fidelity, Millenium Partners, and Meditech.
Caleb Cole
Blue Boys

Caleb Cole continues his passionate exploration of identity– the visual and emotional reveals that illuminate our personal experiences. In this exhibit, he invites the viewer to think about role models, influencers, those that we identified with when we were young. Just a relatively short time ago, who were the role models for young gay men in the 50s – 80s?
Cole has taken images from a Boy Scout handbook creating a grid of young men touching, wrestling, and embracing. While the original images were illustrations of life saving techniques they are also and remain depictions of men touching men.
During WWII, a discharge from the armed services because you were homosexual, resulted in discharge papers that were blue. Blue Boys includes military references and objects – sculptural pieces, cyanotypes, hand-colored photographs, mixed media, neon sculpture – all the work resonates with an emotional poignancy – the pain of hiding one’s sexual identity, the isolation, the celebration of shared experience. Cole’s work understands how people make meaning in their lives.
Cale Cole is a visual and performing artist working in Boston. Cole’s work has been exhibited at the deCordova Sculpture Park & Museum, Lincoln, MA; David Winton Bell Gallery at Brown University, Providence RI; SNHU (Southern New Hampshire University); Lamont Gallery, Philips Exeter Academy, NH; Kinsey Institute, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, IN; Milwaukee Art Institute, Milwaukee, WI; and the Danforth Museum of Art, Framingham, MA.